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Aidouche en vadrouille
9 octobre 2008

zere we go!!!

hello my dear friends,

I am so sorry to have neglected you but I have been struggling with Internet connections here and it was easier for me to type one message. As my brain was "fried" most of the time, I chose to do so in French. But today, after a brief escape in the Highlands of the Omo valley in southern Ethiopia, I feel refreshed and ready to concentrate !!!
So, I've been in Ethiopia for 10 days and it feels like I've been here for 3 monhts.
Our Programme has been pretty intensive and believe it or not, I am up and ready at 7 am every morning.. jaja
Anyway, I am travelling with Claire a dear friend of my mother, whom I 've known since I'm a baby.
We booked a trip from Addis Abeba, the capital, to the LOwer Omo vAlley and the Eastern part of Ethiopia for 18 nights. We are travelling
in a 4*4 with a lovely driver named Ichatu and a couple from New York, Anika and Adam.
Amika is originally from Trinidad and Tobago. Everyone here call us Abasha, which means that they think that we are locals. What a compliment because Ethiopian women are stunning.
At first, I though it was a nice and polite way to wish us welome to their country, but I rapidly
realised that they really meant it. People are puzzled when I don't answer to their queries or salutations!! Oh well, call me Aida the Abasha!!!

We met with the brothers of two of my colleagues from London, Alem and Tesfa. They really made us welcome when we first arrived!

So, here in the Omo Valley I have encountered many peoples: the Hamer, the Dassanesh,The Banaa (but they look nothing like Bana -RCCP in-joke) the Mursi (their women wear impressive plates in their lower lips), Dorze (they live in the highlands and make beautiful handicrafts and particularly colourful scarves).. all live in remote villages and speak their very own language (amharic being the official language in Ethiopia)
I find it extremely interesting to discover different cultures and traditions but at the same time  I am dismayed by the way toursim corrupts their way of life.
I feel that I am a typical German tourist with my Birkenstock and my camera. I am excepted to take pictures and of course pay for them.
This makes me feel extremely uncomfortable!! i get to a village, take pictures and back in the jeep! Am I in a zoo or what? Ichatu kindly tries to explain that this is the way things are
and I can see that a lot of tourists feel happy with it. I don't! On the other hand, I am able to witness a portion of cultures and traditions that I would only be able to see on TV. Times to reflect on tourism really...

I almost saw the bull jumping ceremony portrayed in Bruce Parry's tribes on the Hamer. THe rain was too heavy that day and the road too dangerous!! Never mind

The best part is miggling with children, talking to shopkeepers and listing to my guide's crazy stories!!! Ichatu is one of th ebest drivers ever.. I hope to be able to post some pictures soon !

In a few days, I am off to Harar , town within the Somali region ( a few km from the Somali border). After, I shall be trekking in the Bale Mountains where it is freezing cold.

In 8 days, we will be planning a trip to the Northern part of Ethiopia for about 20 days!

Thx for all your messages, cous' Sadiotte, Dudu, Dabhia... and of course my dear mimi from Kuai

CArpe diem

Dudux<br /> Je deviens bien jaloux maintenant de tes aventures. meme Moh "le vrai Africain" est impressionne et fier de toi. C super que tu ai tant de bonnes aventures. laisses tomber pour les differents scenarios de "bouhou bouri manda lammougo"! Je t'imagine entrain de t'eclater! espece de demi-tarrif va!!<br /> Alors, time for the latest news that you would have LOVED to know about:<br /> <br /> 1- McPain (Mcain & Palin) is behind the Kenyan guy named Obama. After all there is hope for you in Senegal (as first female president)<br /> - Simon Cowell shaved his head (boule zero)<br /> - J. Haider, the Austrian far right politician died in a car accident: drink driving and speed<br /> - Roman abrahamovich lost over 12 Billions so far coz of the credit crunch.<br /> - Mugabe is giving all the juicy ministries to his cronies<br /> - Sarah Brown (GB misus) was caught on camera checking out Tyson Beckford's ass (he is a sexy black male model).<br /> -Westham is in trouble coz of the carlos tevez transfer saga and tottenham is at the bottom of the league.<br /> - England beat khazastan<br /> - Pizza Hut has rebranded itself as "Pasta Hut"<br /> - Sir Ian Blair sacked by Boris Johnson as head of the Metropolitan police<br /> - Des Brown left the government and peter Mandelson rejoined it as business secretary<br /> - And finally, Dominique Straus-Khan accused of giving favors to a female subordinate. How very dare they accuse a socialist of such crime?<br /> <br /> Check your emails for the other news.<br /> <br /> Miss ya a lot.<br /> <br /> Moh
Aida the Abasha. A nice ring to it!<br /> <br /> Ah, the tourism paradox. I agree with you, the responsibilities of traveling are often under-examined and certainly underestimated.<br /> <br /> You are so conscientious though Aidita, you will make it right with those you capture on film. And while this is a fun adventure for you, your experiences will translate to a greater impact (in the future, through your life's work) than the typical tourist traveling through Africa collecting keepsakes.<br /> <br /> I love and miss you. The updates are wonderful. Can't wait for photos to accompany the words. <br /> <br /> Aloha my dear one.
Bonjour la belle,<br /> Can't believe you've been gone almost 3 weeks....time sure does fly (especially when you're working, maybe less on holiday!). Anyway i have been missing you despite my lack of news.... just been so busy here in the Drop In. Just after you left I think we hit 40 clients a day and more and more young ones being disputed, making me angrier and angrier. Anyway the team is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, me inclusive. I obviously can't write loads about the work because everyone can see it, but I'll save it all for when you come back and we'll have a 5 hour lunch!!!! hehe.<br /> Your trip sounds amazing and what a great experience. The nice thing is that everyday is different. I know what you mean about photo taking. It's not what it used to be.....what used to be a pleasure to do (taking photos) becomes a stress and the pictures don't turn out half as well. Well, actually many of yours might be good but I haven't seen any yet....<br /> All is well otherwise. Les filles vont feter leurs anniversaires dans les prochaines deux semaines, Brendan va bien et notre vie continue a etre aussi occupes qu'auparavent. Oh by the way I finally got my Social Work registration....I was so relieved. Now the doors open wider if you know what I mean.<br /> The kids here miss you....and all of us really. Even Hugh said something about missing you.!!!! hmmm.<br /> Alors voila, a little bit of news, a synopsis of life overhere as it continues without you. Keep us posted on your whereabouts and your amazing adventures.<br /> Bisous ma belle,<br /> Caroxxx
Bounjour Madame Abasha!! <br /> <br /> It is so good to read your adventures. I was feeling the wanderlust when recalling our Cambodian adventure to someone yesterday. <br /> <br /> Tourism and experience, its a double-edged sword isnt it? Al Aida, you are not a typical tourist in any sense of the word. You have real compassion and affinity with people and their cultures. Tourism allows them to make a buck which is the very thing that enables us to travel. Its a vicious circle which will do your head in, just remember why you are there to make the most of your experience. <br /> <br /> In terms of your photo dilema, here is a tip: Remember Man in socks at Halong Bay? Use it girlfriend! <br /> <br /> Be safe. Love you loads<br /> <br /> X X X X X
Bounjour Madame Abasha!! <br /> <br /> It is so good to read your adventures. I was feeling the wanderlust when recalling our Cambodian adventure to someone yesterday. <br /> <br /> Tourism and experience, its a double-edged sword isnt it? Al Aida, you are not a typical tourist in any sense of the word. You have real compassion and affinity with people and their cultures. Tourism allows them to make a buck which is the very thing that enables us to travel. Its a vicious circle which will do your head in, just remember why you are there to make the most of your experience. <br /> <br /> In terms of your photo dilema, here is a tip: Remember Man in socks at Halong Bay? Use it girlfriend! <br /> <br /> Be safe. Love you loads<br /> <br /> X X X X X
Aidouche en vadrouille
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