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Aidouche en vadrouille
23 novembre 2008

hi everyone, i am now in vilankulos by the coast

hi everyone,

i am now in vilankulos by the coast on the Indian Ocean, probably about 1000 km from maputo, the capital of mozambique. well, i totally love it! Maputo is a great city and realy reminds me to Dakar, so I felt a bit like at home!

After spending a few days in maputo, i headed to Tofo where I met a bunch of backpackers from Germany, Australia, UK and Canada. SO , for those who are worried about me being too much on my own  DO NOT WORRY ANYMORE :)  We had great fun, partying, eating, playing silly games ( the murderer game for those who know it). but the best of it is that I am now a diver!!!!!!!!!!! yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh man . I passed my open water I course! well, it was hard: having to study physics and maths while on holiday was a pain. But breathing under water, removing your mask while at 16m underwater or trying to sit like a buddha without touching the ground was the most challenging parts of this 4-day course! but I loved it and I am glad I did it!

I am now in Vilankulos with some of the guys I met in Tofo. I"ll be spending a few days exploring the islands and will then head north to Ihla di Mocambique and then Pemba!


richard, you're right about Maputo- really much enjoyed it! people are very friendly and the atmosphere is very chilled!

After read blog topic's related post now I feel my research is almost completed. happy to see that.Thanks to share this brilliant matter.
Salut la puce!!<br /> WOW, what amazing pictures!! (you should be a fotographer for Lonely Planet) I've just seen them as I've been messing about with other stuff here... I'm glad you met up with other people, it seems like a lot of fun! Who's the cute guy with dark hair?? :)<br /> <br /> Babe! Cuba in 4 weeks!!! I'm panicking a bit about it, as have sorted jack all!!more diving tho, you can teach me some (my diving liscense expired years ago...)!! AND ski trip is sorted thanks to Leatitia, it's great we have so much to look forward to!!<br /> <br /> I miss you SOOO much!!! Can't wait 4 you to come back to London! by the way, turned down job in Sweden... couldn't leave my bestest cousin could I!?!? :)<br /> <br /> Bisous, Anna
Salut las belle,<br /> Juste pour te dire que je t'ai ecris un email personel and then today just saw your blog et tes photos. You look great by the way!!!! Sounds like you are having a blast......and although I hate the idea of being deep in water with creepy crawlies under me,well done on passing your test!!! Il fait froid ici so enjoy the heat while you have it.<br /> Caroxxxx
Je te vois très bien en bouddha au fond de l'océan entourée de petits poissons. Est ce que le prof était aussi mignon que le notre en égypte? il te tiens la main aussi pour t'aider à descendre dans les abysses??<br /> Bon c'est pas tout, je dois faire le féca à mes bosses!! grrrr
aé ce que je vois ,, les vacances ont vraiment commencé , plus de blog , plus de photos plus un petit commentaire croustillant a se mettre soius la dent ;; ;;; ca sent deja la retraite ,et le laisser aller .... aujourdh'hui est un grand jour , nous faisons partie de l'expedition ,, youpi pourvfu que ca dure ;;; as tu vu de jolis poissons et rencontre de beaux garcons ???? a plus enormes bisoux ....
Aidouche en vadrouille
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